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We will be holding a wide variety of youth focused events. From online panels with politicians to in person events, sign up to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram to find out about upcoming events. 


Give Young Children Growing Up In Slum Brothels A Chance For A Better Future.

Bangladesh’s largest slum brothel - just one of many in the region - is the size of a small city and houses over 1,500 women and 1,000 children. 

These women and children live largely out of sight from mainstream society - facing exclusion from education, life-saving healthcare, and their communities. Needing to provide for their children, mothers who were likely sold or trafficked into the brothel to start with, find themselves unable to leave and forced to work to pay off debts.

Children live with their mothers in rooms smaller than most one-car garages. When their mothers bring their customers home, they hide under beds while their mothers are working or they are pushed into the alleyway to play. Customers will use them to run errands, like fetching alcohol or drugs, and in some cases, they are tasked with cleaning up after customers have left. Some will be groomed to be the future of the business like their mothers and grandmothers.  

Price Hikes Push Food Out Of Reach For Millions Of Children

Millions of children in Afghanistan could be pushed into severe hunger as a result of rising food prices, drought and displacement, Save the Children warned, after the UN reported the cost of wheat, rice, sugar and cooking oil has increased by more than 50% compared with pre-COVID-19 prices. 

A survey of 630 newly displaced families in Kabul, carried out by Save the Children earlier this month, already found that all of the families had run up debts in order to buy food. Many families have been forced to sell their possessions, cut back on meals or send their children out to work in order to buy food. 

Save the Children warned that people's ability to buy food is likely to be further limited by the lack of operating banks and ATMS, which prevents them from accessing their savings. 

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We are calling on the Government to consult with children before this Bill progresses further.

We can not continue to let these children suffer. 

We call for an end to the cycle of sexual exploitation of children in Bangladesh. 

Here at Save the Children we want to amplify youth voice and ensure your voice is heard by decision makers. We will do this by having your voice heard through a variety of advocacy projects. Sign up to our newsletter  or follow us on Instagram to find out more. 

Advocacy (speaking up for change)

From famine, climate change, conflict, and the effects of COVID 19, there are many global issues impacting young people. Save the Children works around the world to support countries to create change. One meaningful way to contribute to global change is through fundraising! Generation Hope NZ gives youth a way to make a difference through fundraising events or other activities.

Fundraising (take action)

Afsana’s Story:
Growing Up In Bangladesh’s Largest Brothel

10-year-old Afsana* lives in Bangladesh’s largest brothel.

She’s tired because her mother Tuli*, a sex worker, entertains clients in the next room while she and her six-year-old brother try to sleep. Drunken men and women roam the dirty alleyways all night looking for drugs and alcohol, which are readily available in the brothel’s lanes. 

But just a few hundred metres down the train tracks is another world – the primary school where Afsana gets to be a child again. 

Save the Children and a local partner organisation founded the school for children from the brothel in 1997. At that time, local schools wouldn’t accept the children of sex workers, meaning girls like Afsana were left uneducated and vulnerable to following their mothers into sex work.

We need to ensure that there are educational programmes and healthcare support available to help every last child find their way out - and give them an opportunity for a better future for themselves and their families. 

This is why we need your signature to help us in our efforts as we work towards providing them with: 

Access to education

Access to healthcare and counselling

Assistance with re-integrating them into their community

With your support and alongside our partners, you can protect children and save girls in Bangladesh from a future in sex slavery. 

Take action today and pledge to give children from a chance to an education and a life free from sex slavery. 

Click the button below to sign the petition today!  

Brink Of FamineAbout

Athena Rayburn, Director of Advocacy and Campaigns at Save the Children Afghanistan, said:

"The spike in prices will push food out of reach for many families, particularly those who have been displaced from their homes and are living on next to nothing. Conflict, drought and COVID-19 have already pushed millions of children into hunger and misery in Afghanistan - now they could be pushed even closer to the brink of famine."

Join the movement and take a stand for children in Afghanistan by giving them a new chance at life and break the cycle of poverty.

Every day Afsana goes to school, works hard and dreams of the day she and her mother can leave the brothel. Afsana is the second-best student in grade three and hopes to be a doctor when she grows up. “I want to be a doctor so that I can help my family if anything happens to them,” she says. But that dream will never become a reality without an education and the school Afsana attends is the place where children can get one. 

Join the movement and take a stand for children in slum brothels by giving them a new chance at life through education and break the cycle of poverty.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

Our target: 6,000

3,519 signatures added so far

10,700 have signed. Let's get to 11,000!

Today, our world is at a turning point as issues of climate change, mental health, inequality, poverty and so many more escalate. What does our horizon hold?  

Young people are leading at the forefront of change here in Aotearoa. This is a generation of hope.  

Save the Children New Zealand’s youth programme, Generation Hope NZ is an opportunity for rangatahi like you to speak up for change, have your voice heard by decision makers and feel empowered to step out and lead.

Generation Hope NZ

Inspiring rangatahi to stand up, speak out and create change.

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Our Youth Rōpū is the core group of young people that guide and lead our work.

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Join the movement!

There will also be the opportunity for all youth to create change through setting up a Take Action club at their school to create change in their local community.

Take Action Clubs

On our Education Hub, we have a bunch of resources for children, teachers and families. We would love to expand this to include youth.

Education Resources

Ready to sign up?

Apply Today

Contact Us

0800 167 168

108 The Terrace

Wellington Central,

Wellington 6011


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How To Apply

Ready to submit an application?  

There are a few options of how you can submit your application for our Youth Rōpū;  

    1. Fill out the written application form. by clicking 'apply now', or

    2. Organise a face to face conversation (Wellington) or via zoom with our Youth Engagement Coordinator - email youth@scnz.org.nz if this is your preferred way of applying.  

Applications close 24 March 2023. You will receive an email by 7 April 2023 if you have been selected. Thank you for taking your time to complete an application! We are looking forward to receiving it. If you have any questions, please reach out!

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